Why I let This Sweater Go And Why You Should Do The Same


Another day I found this sweater that I purchased from a “ shady lady” in Paris. Shady because she seemed mysterious, strange in her ways, and the energy in her shop was interesting. The fact that I remember all of this truly means she was indeed different. ⚡️

This sweater has been with me through good and bad - long gone relationships, hangovers, me trying to find my “ thing” and a “right man” for myself. Even on a cold January day my daughter was born, it still lived in my closet. 

Then we moved to Florence and I found it again between my clothes. That thing has come with me this far. 

But just because something has been with me for this long does not mean it should continue to stay, collect dust, and many more memories. 💓

It was time to part our ways. 

There are so many things we collect. So many things that we keep thinking we’ll use one day. 

We rarely do. And not just in our closets. In our kitchens, in our drawers, in our shelves, in our, making us feeling guilty if we let something go.

But we must let things go because nothing is forever. Everything changes, transforms, changes its form. 

Also because in clean, free spaces we give more space for new things to enter. ✅

This does not mean we have to throw things away. Let go means we no longer possess them, we can give them a better life, a second life. 

Which is exactly what my sweater’s getting. 

What’s living in your closet?

Kristine Razinska

Kristina Razinska is helping women to find their WHY to THRIVE. She is an author of her book called SOULGIRL where she inspires readers not to be afraid of loud, risky decisions, and BIG LOVE. She is also a young mom of two girls and a contributing writer to Thought Catalog.

She Delivers Everything You Need To Know To Start Living With Passion and Drive. Gives Soulful Tips To Live Today. She Knows How To Have It All - peace, harmony, love, and appetite for life. 


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