I am not only a certified Jay Shetty coach with a rigorous set of standards for accreditation, but I have also been trained and coached by international coaches who helped me to understand my path. 

I have several clients who are already seeing improvement in their own lives and are excited to share it with others.  

Nowadays, people don't have time to spend years in therapy; we want quick solutions to our problems focused on creating rapid changes in our everyday lives that improve our future.

The world is not reliable, surprising us not in the best ways, which is why I believe the only thing we can rely on in these uncertain times is ourselves.

90 % of our suffering comes from our MIND, so I always start coaching by elevating your mindset and helping you develop a deeper trust in yourself.

As a result, you become a person who can call in more positive opportunities and have love, success, health, wealth, and personal fulfillment.

Kristina helped me put my mental chaos onto a schedule, and her coaching helped me feel no overwhelmed and charged to take action.
If you are actually ready to make the changes In your life, she is your go-to person to get into action without faffing and wasting time.
— Dee Kanjani
I can say it was an amazing journey with coach Kristina. She is changing people’s lives in her Coaching sessions. She helped me to know and improve my self-awareness and understand what I want in life to reach my goal.
Beautiful journey of discovery and transformation!
— Wael Saed

I want to invite you on a life-changing journey with me to transform your world as a result of our work together.

My goal as your coach is to help you discover a part of you that you haven’t seen YET so you can get results you haven’t gotten YET.

I will help you to get to your goal by being on the same team. The team called " YOU." I will do my part, and you will do your part. 

I am here to support you to:

🖤 Get out of a mental overwhelm that might not allow you to have the clarity you need to achieve your desired goals. 

🤍 Get out of your own way and upgrade your beliefs and standards so you can confidently walk toward the future you want without excuses.

🖤 Keep you on track in making progress no matter where you have been or currently are. 

🤍 Stay focused, motivated, and inspired to start taking clear, confident, courageous actions that bring results.

🖤 Above all else, I am here to help you discover who you are and what you can do and watch you do it.

My mission is helping you discover your unique blend of strength & power so you do things you've never done before and get results you've never gotten before.

My purpose is to help you change how you show up in the world, no matter what you are going through, to get anything you want.

And this is me taking you on that journey. 💛

What’s possible

Just imagine...

❤️‍🔥You’ve gained new power of awareness that can be used for things you never imagined possible.

🌟What could life look like if something inside you would finally shift and you could see the world with a fresh set of eyes?

❤️‍🔥What would it feel like to experience significant relief, a drop in anxiety, mental clarity, and newfound energy?

🌟How would it feel to lift a weight of life off your shoulders and call in new opportunities?

❤️‍🔥Imagine feeling the world wide open for you where anything is possible...

🌟Imagine having a genuine, unshakable belief to go after anything you want.

❤️‍🔥Imagine having inner security and trust in yourself and your capabilities to achieve what you always wanted?

🌟Imagine a life where you are no longer hiding from your heart, feeling stuck and unclear of your next steps in life...

❤️‍🔥Waking up excited, knowing that you are living your life's purpose, and it fills your heart and soul with so much joy?

My Offer - activate your personal greatness so that you are ready to move mountains in any area of your life, no matter your current circumstances.