In my program, you will experience the following:
🔥Upgraded beliefs where you will be able to move things that feel & seem impossible (those things that you wanted for so long and wondered why you couldn’t create) - to POSSIBLE 🔥
Gain the emotional wisdom needed to update your reality and create the future you want. We will get out of your head into your heart to align with your soul and purpose.
Get out of your way and your own excuses that kept you stuck and unfulfilled.
Expect: Mindset shifts, crystal clarity on your next steps, inspiration , and motivation to start taking those actions that you know are LOOONG overdue to improve your life.
You will have a practical part of embodiment work, and I am going to guide you( my personal favorite) to retrain your mind, absorb your learnings not only on an intellectual level but imprint them in your DNA, so you start thinking, feeling, and acting as a completely new, massively updated version of self!
Lastly, nothing will change without taking goal-directed ACTIONS.
We will go through my 3 C’s formula to cultivate CLARITY that’s aligned with your personal goals, master Confidence to go FULL IN, and Courage to take actions you have not taken yet to get results you have not gotten yet.
Get ready to be awakened.
Get ready to unlock your own transformations.
Get ready to laugh and cry.
Get ready to uncover your true purpose.
And most importantly get ready to have FUN while we transform your life.
Here’s what I want you to know: Once you understand how this works and apply it to your life- this is something that no one can ever take away from you.
The life you want requires you to step through your fears, excuses and limitations.
You’ve got to break free.
There is no other way around it.
🙌 It will be uncomfortable at times, but it will absolutely be worth it.
Discovery Call is an opportunity for us to connect and discuss what’s possible for you. (We often know what to do but we don’t have the system and accountability in place which coaching gives).
This is a safe space, and I am here to provide a support system and show you how to use the resources inside of you so you can maximise your ability to achieve anything you want.
👇🏻You can book your 30 min call by sending me a quick email here:
or 👇🏻 send me a direct message through my Instagram page.
Instagram Page
During this call, you can ask me ANY questions.
🙌 Your desire to have clarity for next steps in your life, confidence to execute your life’s vision, and courage to REALLY go for it is met at the other side of your YES.
If it is a YES in your heart and you are ready to start changing your life, I look forward to hearing from you!
With love,
Kristina - Your LIFE & PURPOSE Coach.