Self-love Kristine Razinska Self-love Kristine Razinska

Laughing Is Hot And Healthy

💖 Real glow can't be sold in a package of foundation or fancy powder I was thinking of getting for Christmas.

💖 We glow when we feel happy, satisfied with moments of life, and ourselves at large.

💖 True glow has energy like no other. It's real.

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Forget the fancy skincare promising you a golden glow. The real glow comes from one place only, and that's from within. 

Real glow can't be sold in a package of foundation or fancy powder I was thinking of getting for Christmas. 

We glow when we feel happy, satisfied with moments of life, and ourselves at large.

💖 True glow has energy like no other. It's real. 

It isn't always possible to feel happy at all times, but we can indeed feel better within seconds by simply changing our state. All we need to do is to stop whatever we're doing and do this instead: 

LAUGH out loud. Not like a crazy person but like a real person who finds things funny. Not for a second but for a real good minute. 

Laughing makes you GLOW because your body gets charged with feel-good hormones.

Also, did you know that ✅ The average 4-year-old laughs 300 times a day? The average 40-year-old? Only four. 


Here's why we should laugh intensely, wildly, vividly more. 

🤣Laughing helps us to let go. Let go of physical tension, stress, fear, and depression. Laughter boosts the immune system and decreases stress hormones, which then helps to fight infection antibodies. 

😏 It just so happens that we lose the ability to laugh around 23 when we enter the workforce. Because we have yet to prove how professional, important we are, and from that point onwards, life's seriousness overtakes us. 

💖 A good, hearty laugh has so many benefits, which is why I felt called to remind myself that laughing from the heart is healthy and free. And more than ever, we shall look for more reasons to smile because it feels GOOD. 

🌸 Perhaps there isn't much to laugh about in this current state, but if we do make a conscious effort to lift our spirits and bursting with the exciting, contagious laugh, we may as well make a space for different energy to enter into our rooms. We may as well feel healthier, better, which is the point after all. 

💫 What would it feel like if we laughed like 5-year-olds today, and tomorrow, and the next? What would we all feel like? What would the world be like if laughter became, once again, our natural state?

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