Self-love, Self-discovery Kristine Razinska Self-love, Self-discovery Kristine Razinska


Let people be people. Let them watch you. Let them talk of you quietly, wishing they could be more like you. It is not your business what they think. They can come with you or stay where they are.

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You’ll be judged that you’re too much or not enough. Too loud or too shy to speak up. Too opinionated or too ignorant. You’ll be judged how you live, where you work or don’t work, how you spend your time and money like it’s anyone’s business but YOURS. 👑

💖It is your business who you are and how you show up. 

💖It is your business what kind of energy you live in so you can attract more of it. 

💖It is your life, your time, your space to step up. 

As I do my best to stop dimming my own light, I'd like to invite you not to dim yours either. 

Let people be people. Let them watch you. Let them talk of you quietly, wishing they could be more like you. It is not your business what they think. They can come with you or stay where they are. 

But to you, my dear darling, I wish to be more. 

💖I wish you don’t fight for what you want; instead, co-create that what you want with the energy of the Universe that wants you to show up in your whole essence. 

💖It wants you to be bold and thriving. 

💖It wants you to be more you, to be braver, louder, happier human so you can have ALL that what you want. 💙 

You just have to show up💖💫

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Self-love Kristine Razinska Self-love Kristine Razinska

Laughing Is Hot And Healthy

💖 Real glow can't be sold in a package of foundation or fancy powder I was thinking of getting for Christmas.

💖 We glow when we feel happy, satisfied with moments of life, and ourselves at large.

💖 True glow has energy like no other. It's real.

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Forget the fancy skincare promising you a golden glow. The real glow comes from one place only, and that's from within. 

Real glow can't be sold in a package of foundation or fancy powder I was thinking of getting for Christmas. 

We glow when we feel happy, satisfied with moments of life, and ourselves at large.

💖 True glow has energy like no other. It's real. 

It isn't always possible to feel happy at all times, but we can indeed feel better within seconds by simply changing our state. All we need to do is to stop whatever we're doing and do this instead: 

LAUGH out loud. Not like a crazy person but like a real person who finds things funny. Not for a second but for a real good minute. 

Laughing makes you GLOW because your body gets charged with feel-good hormones.

Also, did you know that ✅ The average 4-year-old laughs 300 times a day? The average 40-year-old? Only four. 


Here's why we should laugh intensely, wildly, vividly more. 

🤣Laughing helps us to let go. Let go of physical tension, stress, fear, and depression. Laughter boosts the immune system and decreases stress hormones, which then helps to fight infection antibodies. 

😏 It just so happens that we lose the ability to laugh around 23 when we enter the workforce. Because we have yet to prove how professional, important we are, and from that point onwards, life's seriousness overtakes us. 

💖 A good, hearty laugh has so many benefits, which is why I felt called to remind myself that laughing from the heart is healthy and free. And more than ever, we shall look for more reasons to smile because it feels GOOD. 

🌸 Perhaps there isn't much to laugh about in this current state, but if we do make a conscious effort to lift our spirits and bursting with the exciting, contagious laugh, we may as well make a space for different energy to enter into our rooms. We may as well feel healthier, better, which is the point after all. 

💫 What would it feel like if we laughed like 5-year-olds today, and tomorrow, and the next? What would we all feel like? What would the world be like if laughter became, once again, our natural state?

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Self-love, Self-discovery Kristine Razinska Self-love, Self-discovery Kristine Razinska

Why I let This Sweater Go And Why You Should Do The Same

🖤Another day I found this sweater that I purchased from a “ shady lady” in Paris.

🖤Shady because she seemed mysterious, strange in her ways, and the energy in her shop was interesting.

🖤 The fact that I remember all of this truly means she was indeed different.


Another day I found this sweater that I purchased from a “ shady lady” in Paris. Shady because she seemed mysterious, strange in her ways, and the energy in her shop was interesting. The fact that I remember all of this truly means she was indeed different. ⚡️

This sweater has been with me through good and bad - long gone relationships, hangovers, me trying to find my “ thing” and a “right man” for myself. Even on a cold January day my daughter was born, it still lived in my closet. 

Then we moved to Florence and I found it again between my clothes. That thing has come with me this far. 

But just because something has been with me for this long does not mean it should continue to stay, collect dust, and many more memories. 💓

It was time to part our ways. 

There are so many things we collect. So many things that we keep thinking we’ll use one day. 

We rarely do. And not just in our closets. In our kitchens, in our drawers, in our shelves, in our, making us feeling guilty if we let something go.

But we must let things go because nothing is forever. Everything changes, transforms, changes its form. 

Also because in clean, free spaces we give more space for new things to enter. ✅

This does not mean we have to throw things away. Let go means we no longer possess them, we can give them a better life, a second life. 

Which is exactly what my sweater’s getting. 

What’s living in your closet?

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Self-love Kristine Razinska Self-love Kristine Razinska

End Hate. Learn Patience And Faith.

🦄 Because underneath it all, the truth is that - your life and your path are one of a kind. It's not a race, it's a journey that cannot be compared to others.

🦄 Because we are on different timelines.

🦄 The timeline to our own victories can't be measured by a certain age, amount of time, religion, or education.

Thanks to the technological evolution of the instant gratification our generation is more depressed than ever. Because the world where we live in is under constant pressure to be and do more.


Is this idea - that the things we crave for have to manifest in our lives immediately - is what destroys our self-esteem and confidence in the long run.

🦋 We no longer understand the concept of patience and faith. We get obsessed with speeding things up, looking for shortcuts to save time and money. 🦋

As a result, we become more desperate than ever. We start questioning ourselves even more, therefore, killing any chances of achieving our goals. All because we attach our self-worth to external rewards or their lack of.

And just when things can't get any worse, one morning you scroll down your feed discovering that somebody else has gotten that promotion you wanted, has started your gluten-free cookie business, has written that self -help book, or launched your dream product/service online.

They are proudly collecting victories in their professional and personal lives flashing it all over their social media channels making you feel lower than ever.

And although we wish them well, if they are our friends, somehow it gets more difficult to swallow yet another declaration of someone's success. Because it's easier to compare. Because it feels better to judge. Because it feels liberating to gossip. And by doing so, we get in the mood to ruin our lives, literally. Furthermore, we're poisoning our mind completely eliminating what’s even possible for us at this stage.

" Somebody else got mine."

" There's never be enough of anything to go around."

Because somewhere along the way you've convinced yourself that you've been robbed when you haven't, in fact, been robbed.

🦋 You forget that the success of others is an example of what's possible. If someone else can do it, you can do it too. You can cherish others for their achievements acknowledging the fact that there is plenty of room for everyone including you. 🦋

You can choose to believe that you are neither a slave to the evolution of social media nor its master. Be its partner.


💓 When you shift these thoughts to the partnership instead, when you're ready to work with the idea of what's possible for you, you experience immediate relief. Life as you know it will start to unfold in unexpected ways. 💓

Because underneath it all, the truth is that - your life and your path are one of a kind. It's not a race, it's a journey that cannot be compared to others. Because we are on different timelines. The timeline to our own victories can't be measured by a certain age, amount of time, religion, or education.

Your and my journeys are never meant to be the same. It doesn't mean there will be less left for you if I'll get there first. We can't arrive there together because it's not in our powers to control the circumstances, law of nature, the Universe, or the gods.

We've got to be learning patience and faith boldly trusting our journey that no matter what, we'll get there whenever the time is right. Because everything happening around you is happening for you. Even if you don't understand it yet.

💓 Therefore don't pressure yourself to tick yet another goal off your checklist thinking that everything needs to happen right now this moment. Don't rage at the gods above. Don't put the hate on destiny. Don't overthink that there is something wrong with you because there is nothing wrong with you. 💓

Everything needs to happen at its own speed. It's a rocky road of thousand steps each closer to the ultimate place you want to reach.

Work with all your heart. Show up for your work day after day with stubbornness and trust, and I promise that one day you'll wake up feeling more accomplished, completed, and whole. One day you'll proudly share your idea, your invention with the world too. Or you'll choose not to because approval of others will no longer matter.

What matters the most, there'll be no more internal demons to fight, no more painful detours to make and the whole future will look a whole lot better.

🌹 But it starts now with letting go off the idea of having it all this instant. Do your part and Universe will do its part. Because everything happening around you is happening for you. 🌹

With love and faith,


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Self-love Kristine Razinska Self-love Kristine Razinska

F*** Goals. Set Intentions

As I started to shift focus on how I wanted to feel, magic happened.  I felt a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. 

In an age in which most people seem to measure their own worth by how overworked they are - there's little or no time to talk about the feelings. Sadly, this is why we feel as we could have been, done and achieved so much more by the end of yet another New Years Eve.


The New Year tends to fill our wild hearts with ambitions, new ideas and promises we rarely keep to our own selves six months down the line.

What makes you think that this or next year will be any different? 

Are we that bad, lazy or not trustworthy? 

Or is it that our personal plans simply suck? 

 There is nothing wrong with our goals. It's the way we set those goals is what causes stress, disappointment, or feeling like a failure when we don't achieve things we swore we would.

To me focusing on concrete goals I aim to achieve feels so pushed, forced and pressured in a way. My brain literally feels like a scrambled eggs just by thinking about all of this!

Make more money by so and so month. Get that promotion. Lose that weight. Tick those travels off my bucket list. Meet the love of my life. 

 I knew there must be another way to go about this. 

Good news is - there is!

What if this year you stopped focussing on internal goals (to-do lists, bucket lists, mathematical plans?) All of which happens outside yourself anyway. 

 Because have you ever experienced anything outside of yourself? (worry, stress, pain, and pleasure?)

I personally know of no such person. Because everything you'll ever experience happens inside of you.

So how would you like to feel? 

 In other words, how would you want to experience everything on the inside? 

More freedom! 
Love. Passion. 
Feeling fresh, rich, sexy, creative, appreciated. 

As I started to shift focus on how I wanted to feel, magic happened.  I felt a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders. 

When instead of focusing on unexciting goals that felt like chores, I started to think how much more energized, happy, alive, loved I wanted to feel- I started to find refreshing ways to feel just that.
 Is that simple!

In a nutshell, when you get clear on how you want to feel you will have a new way to make things rolling in your life. 

Here is why:

By doing so, the whole Universe starts expanding. You will intentionally seek how to create those feelings for yourself. You might surprise yourself with some new choices. Starting from what gets to be put on your body, what goes inside your body, the people you hang out with, the gifts you give and receive, the thoughts you allow to stay in your mind. 

When you know what feelings you're after, you may see yourself going after different things, and you may be going after them in a way you haven't done before. How do you want to feel when you leave your bed each morning? How would you like to feel when you look at your calendar for the week/month? When you wear your outfit for the day? When you walk in your workplace? When your phone rings? When you get paid? When you finish that project you've been working on? When you complete that thing, make that money, or fall in love?

With that in mind, if you stay truthfully loyal to your feelings, you'll never be lost again. You'll be able to pull off that dusty curtain and clearly see how to live boldly.  You'll start making more empowered choices. You'll not end up in the places, relationships or situations that don't bring you feelings your heart desires the most. 

Trust your heart. It knows what'sup. Just as it knows which pair to pick when you are shopping for shoes, same goes which way to go, what answer to give. 

Live passionately and never lose sight of how you want to feel. Heading towards your feel-good feelings will revolutionize the way you experience life.

Best of luck, 



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Self-love Kristine Razinska Self-love Kristine Razinska

Snow White moments

Are we the new generation of the Sex and the City girls? Just in this time of history, it’s entirely Okay to be wild, experimental, hangover, and always on to the next thing?

Once upon a time, there was a little girl that couldn’t wait to slip into her mom’s high heeled shoes, powder the nose, and paint her nails in the color of the rainbow. She had big hopes and dreams for years ahead. She dreamt of faraway tropical lands, fine-looking life, and a Prince Charming to save her from any trouble she may encounter. 


And then she grew up and got breakouts and blackheads. Suddenly, her whole world seemed turning upside down when her hopes and dreams were still out of reach. 

Is it ever going to happen? Or was it a one of those fake, hard to get, impossible to achieve dreams in the first place? Have we been fooled so hard that now we are scared for life in search of something doesn’t even exist?

It seems we are always looking for that one thing to complete us.  Waiting for someone to change – be it your partner, your boss, your mom, you. Expecting to be happy. Waiting for the right job, the right opportunity, right moment, enough money to do things that our hearts crave the most. 

How long have you been waiting for perfect timing, right career move, right lover, that phone call, that answer, that inspiration, or proper diet just to show up?

Aren’t you exhausted from waiting?

I started to think that what if things we are waiting for will never show up? Would Snow White be still asleep for another 100 years? Or would she have danced out of her prison of sleep, gotten a haircut and moved on to conquer the world? 

I couldn’t help but wonder. How come we are always searching, dreaming, dating, leaving or getting desperate over relationships we have with men, jobs, friends, and life in general.

Are we the new generation of the Sex and the City girls? Just in this time of history, it’s entirely Okay to be wild, experimental, hangover, and always on to the next thing?



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