Snow White moments
Once upon a time, there was a little girl that couldn’t wait to slip into her mom’s high heeled shoes, powder the nose, and paint her nails in the color of the rainbow. She had big hopes and dreams for years ahead. She dreamt of faraway tropical lands, fine-looking life, and a Prince Charming to save her from any trouble she may encounter.
And then she grew up and got breakouts and blackheads. Suddenly, her whole world seemed turning upside down when her hopes and dreams were still out of reach.
Is it ever going to happen? Or was it a one of those fake, hard to get, impossible to achieve dreams in the first place? Have we been fooled so hard that now we are scared for life in search of something doesn’t even exist?
It seems we are always looking for that one thing to complete us. Waiting for someone to change – be it your partner, your boss, your mom, you. Expecting to be happy. Waiting for the right job, the right opportunity, right moment, enough money to do things that our hearts crave the most.
How long have you been waiting for perfect timing, right career move, right lover, that phone call, that answer, that inspiration, or proper diet just to show up?
Aren’t you exhausted from waiting?
I started to think that what if things we are waiting for will never show up? Would Snow White be still asleep for another 100 years? Or would she have danced out of her prison of sleep, gotten a haircut and moved on to conquer the world?
I couldn’t help but wonder. How come we are always searching, dreaming, dating, leaving or getting desperate over relationships we have with men, jobs, friends, and life in general.
Are we the new generation of the Sex and the City girls? Just in this time of history, it’s entirely Okay to be wild, experimental, hangover, and always on to the next thing?