“ Only dead fish goes with a flow.”
So another day, I heard this saying: “ Only dead fish goes with a flow.”
And wow, what a reaction it struck in me. ⚡️
Many will tell you that going with a flow is a good thing but here is why it's not.
Going with the flow means living life unconsciously on autopilot without interfering with a thing.
It means I am not consciously creating what I want. ❌
I am not trying to change a thing, but I am silently hoping that something will change. ❌
It means I am accepting whatever comes my way... Perhaps I don't even pay attention. ❌
And here’s a scary thing...
Living on autopilot sooner or later makes one feel lost or stuck because, like that dead fish, she risks ending up nowhere.
Certainly not in the place she chose. 🚀
While sometimes it's hard to see where to begin... Know this - we rarely create lives we want by accident.
So if you desire something greater, something better, something else than what you’re currently living... 👇
Start small.
Notice what needs change. Be honest about it. Often, it's a mindset thing and that can be indeed improved.🤩
There are plenty self- help tools available and I am here if you need to talk.♥️
No matter what you decide, know that when creating a conscious life, we intentionally create and design the life we want.
We reflect and select. We decide on things. We achieve goals. We thrive.
We are happy because we actively choose to create lives we love- energetically, spiritually, materialistically, aesthetically, and wholeheartedly.
I wish you never settle until you live your dream and are conscious that every present moment is your opportunity to be a new beginning. 🎉
With love,